Monday 19 August 2013

Treatment for Mobile tooth due to gum weakness in Chennai

Mobile tooth -Treatment options 

Mobile tooth is due to variety of reasons.The common reasons are

1. Periodontitis or Gum weakness
2. Trauma to the front tooth region due to accident or sports injury or fall 

The treatment for severly mobile tooth

     The teeth which are very much shaky can not be saved.But they can be removed and replaced with new teeth
The options to give new teeth are

1. Removable dentures   

   They are very old method of replacing natural teeth.They are not comfortable.
They have to removed daily and washed daily.
To know the problems asscocited with removable partial dentures read this post

2. Crown and bridge method

 In this method the adjacent teeth are grinded to give support to the artificial teeth.This is also a old method of replacing teeth.
The drawbacks of bridge method is
    a. Failure of tooth supported bridges in long term 
    b.Difficulty in maintaing the hygiene of the undersurface of the bridges
    c. Formation of secondary decay in the supporting teeth
    d.The supporting teeth may get gum problems and may get weaken
    e. Unnecessary destruction of your healthy adjacent normal teeth, which can be avoided

3.Dental implants method

    This is time tested method to replace missing teeth.But it is not popular among public because of lack of awareness
The advantages of Dental implant method..
     - No need to grind the adjacent teeth
     - Natural way of replacing missing teeth
     - Fixed teeth
     - No need to use removable dentures
     -can bite and chew foods
     -Treatment time is short and painless procedure
     - Has become simple technique because of improvement in implant technology
See how mobile teeth can be extracted and fixed teeth can be given in 3 days by dental implants!!
To know the cost of Dental implant treatment visit us at

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