Monday 19 August 2013

Dental Gum disease-The common cause for your tooth loss!!Facts!

Gum disease in India

          Gum disease is one of the main cause for tooth loss among indian population.This is mainly due to lack of awarness about gum problem among the public
         Also known as Periodontitis, or in layman terms 'pyorrhea' means a disease of gums leading to loss of tooth if untreated.

Causes of Gum disease is a film of collection of millions and millions of bacteria over the surface of the tooth
    2.Calculus or Tartar formation
They are brown or dark hard calcified deposits formed on the surface of tooth..this indicates poor oral hygiene  maintenance by the patient
    3.Neglected oral care
    4.Delaying the treatment for initial symptoms like Gum bleeding and bad odour from mouth

The final stages of Periodontitis

           2.  Lose of tooth      
           3.  Not able to chew because of lose of tooth
           4. Your chewing and nutrition is affected
           5. People start eating like child again!!
           6. Not able to eat hard food
           7. Not able to ENJOY food!
           8. People start feeling OLD when they lose their tooth!

Watch this video! To see the final stage of gum weakness!

Click here to know the treatment options for Loose tooth..

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