Tuesday 20 August 2013

Failed Dental Implants-How to proceed?

Dental Implant Failures!!

    Dental implant failures are a night mare to both patients and dental implantologist together.
The better term would be IMPLANT LOOSENING!!

Causes for dental implant failure

Its a multifactorial process..
The possible causes of dental implant loosening are
   1.  Lack of primary stability..that means how much stable the implant was during the placement
   2.  Over drilling
   3.  Over heating during implant osteotomy
   4.  High points in the teeth
   5.  Lateral interfernces during chewing
   6.  Patient biting hard food during inital healing period
   7.  Gross lack of oral hygiene by the patient
   8.  Parafunctional habits like bruximsm, night grinding etc.
   9. Poor bone quality in the area especially maxillary implants

                                        Failed two piece implants..during removal

                                 Failed implant and bridge after removal
                              Dental xray showing severe bone loss around the implant

                              After placement of BCS implants in failed implant sites..

                                             After fixing the Hybrid denture

Dental implant failure is not the end of the story.Various treatment options available to correct the situation,,
They are..
   1.Removing the failed implant and replacing immediately with wider and longer implants..preferably with Basal Dental Implants ( either BOI or BCS)
   2. Removing the mobile implants and waiting for few weeks or months depending on the situation to allow bone formation.Then placing fresh implants .
   3.Going for implant removal and treating with different treatment options like tooth supported bridge or dentures!!

VISIT US athttp://www.drmurugavel.in/
Connect us through   bestdentalno1@gmail.com

contact number - 9171515077 ,  044- 43856017


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