Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Single piece implantology for replacement of molars in india

Patient complained of  missing molar teeth on both sides of the lower jaw  as well as periodontally  weak teeth due to poor oral hygiene on both sides of the upper jaw .  he was having severe difficulty in chewing food properly and was seeking an immediate remedy for the same .

                                                   Clinical View of the  upper arch

                                                     Clinical View of the lower arch

                                                               Left Side  clinical view

Right side clinical  view  

                                               Mirror View of the  Right side lower arch

Mirror View of the left side lower arch   

                           Full mouth OPG showing the missing teeth as well as periodontally weakened teeth                                                   which necessitates removal & replacement

       We  advised to remove the weak teeth under local anaesthesia and place single piece immediate                                                loading BCS implants by flapless method  .

      The weak molar teeth were extracted  & 4 bicortical implants were placed   in the left upper                                                                              region

                     On the right side , the last upper molar was extracted under local anaesthesia

                                             We placed 3 bicortical implants in this region

Similarly , 2 KOS implants were placed on either side of the lower jaw to replace the missing molars 

                                               Mirror View of the left side lower implant

                                             Mirror View of the right side lower implant

Intra oral splinting procedure was done additionally for extra stability of the upper implants 

Good , uneventful healing was seen on both arches on the following day  

        Provisional Acrylic bridge was fixed in the upper jaw on the 2nd day following implant                                    placement .

                                  Left side mirror image of the upper & lower provisional crowns

                             Right side mirror image of the  upper & lower provisional crowns

For further details , contact us - 9171515077 , 044 - 43856017  

mail us @  

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