Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Predictable and successful dental implants for heavy smokers

Patient wanted to replace his missing lower front teeth as well as right lower molar teeth due to difficulty in chewing on that side . patient is a known smoker for the past 16 years . Still we can place single piece immediate loading BCS implants as they are suited for placement even in chronic smokers  .

                                       Clinical View of the missing lower front teeth

                                                   Grossly broken down molar teeth which needs replacement

     We advised to Immediate loading Bicortical implants by flapless method in the same visit

        2 days after the procedure showed good , uneventful healing around the implants  . Provisional                                                acrylic crowns were placed immediately  .

                                                Provisional crowns placed in the molar teeth

                                          provisional crown placed in the lower front teeth

for further details , contact us - 9171515017  , 044 - 43856017   

mail us @  

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