Monday 1 September 2014

Full mouth dental implants cost

Patient complains of generalized shaking of her upper & lower back teeth due to gum disease & wishes to go for fixed replacement for the same . She has been wearing a removable denture in her upper front teeth which also requires replacement due to ill-fitting .


Patient`s Upper arch mirror view  


                                                Patient`s Lower arch view

              Periodontally weakened upper back teeth & missing lower molars on left side


                                       Missing molars on the right side upper jaw

                 The Periodontally compromised upper right side back teeth were extracted

                                 Single Piece Immediate Loading BCS implants were placed

                        Similarly , periodontally weakened back teeth on the upper left side were removed                                                  & BCS implants placed immediately .

                                 Weakened  left side lower front teeth were removed

                                         We placed 4 BCS immediate loading implants

Similarly on the left side molar area , we placed 4 BCS immediate loading implants 

            Permanent & aesthetic PFM Bridge was placed  on the 4 th day following the procedure

                                    Our Happy Patient now got a better smile & good chewing ability

For Further Details , contact us - 9171515077 , 044 - 43856017 

mail us @  

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