Sunday 4 August 2013

Video showing the problems with removable acrylic dentures!!

The problems with removable dentures!!

-The acrylic dentures have metal clasps..which will weaken the adjacent natural teeth
-The metal clasps also cause decay of adjacent teeth
-Food got entraped below the dentures
-Because of food lodgment ..bad smell is going to come
-Pshychological the patient feels older with removable denture!!Am i right?
-Confidence level of the patient comes down..with removable dentures..
-You have to take it daily and brush it separtely and put it in your mouth..which is definitely NOT a happy process!!


Want to throw you Removable dentures?

Technology in dental implants has advanced very much..such that we in Best laser dental clinic patients to throw their acrylic removable dentures in dust bin..and live confidently with dental implant supported fixed teeth...

- no need to remove daily
-you can brush like your natural teeth
-the procedure can be done in 3 days
-it is a painless process
Make use of the technology and live/enjoy  a quality life when it is available!!!

Read the testimonial of Dental implant patient...

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