Saturday 3 August 2013

Dental implant testimonial -Best laser dental clinic..

   “After checking out some dentists in Mumbai, India I decided to get the implants done for me & my wife in Chennai where we are more at home . I had contacted several renowned dentists over the net and most required me to make at least 2 trips from Singapore with a stay of 10 to14 days at 2-3 months interval. Some ridiculed me over implants that could be done in 3 days. After initial assessment by Dr Murugavel & costs explained I went ahead to check out the others and found most not only require 2 visits but do not have the inventory or done as many implants. As we are retired senior citizens Dr Murugavel is accommodating and is able to restructure the procedure to  meet our budget.  
My  wife had 4 impants done in the upper & lower jaws within an hour with the permanent bridge fixed the 3rd day as claimed. It was  painless & comforting to note that she actually went thru this procedure for none other than Dr Murugavel could have achieved it; explaining  the steps as it progressed which kept her relaxed & soothed.He & his team are ‘par excellent’ and we would certainly recommend them to anyone in this region as an alternative source of dental treatment which is both affordable and of very high standards in terms of skills and equipment.
Kudos to Dr. Murugavel & his team for a job well done and we will certainly go back to  Best Laser Dental clinic for all our specialized dental care..
Those in need of  clarification are welcome to contact me thru email id : .”
Regards Ali Farid,Singapore.  
Thanks for  your kind testimonial sir -Dr.Murugavel and team..

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